Aviate Audio Releases New Multiverse Edition, Effects and Platform-Wide Updates

Aviate Audio Releases New Multiverse Edition, Effects and Platform-Wide Updates

The Multiverse Audio Effects ecosystem captures the essential fun elements of the analog effect pedal experience on an open digital platform, allowing for the creation of unique sounds and effects never before developed to inspire your musical creativity and create your signature sound. Mix and match high-quality effects into multiple soft pedal boards on a single hardware pedal. Integrate the Multiverse pedal into your existing pedalboard/rig, or make it the only pedal you ever need.

On June 21st, Aviate Audio released the Multiverse Player Edition pedal hardware for sale along with four new effects and a platform wide software update with Multiverse Designer v1.4.1. The Player Edition update will deliver an ideal user experience for any musician. Aviate Audio is now selling the Multiverse Player Edition pedal for USD 349.99 with worldwide shipping. The pedal comes pre-loaded with numerous pedalboard presets and a powerful arrangement of built-in effects that make for quick inspiration out of the box.

Pedal video demos about today's latest effects pedal have been published by creators Leon Todd and Mike Hermans. The Multiverse pedal has a familiar hardware layout with four pressable control knobs, two stomp switches, plus MIDI and Expression inputs which are all used to control effects settings on the pedal. The stomp switches double as a means to cycle through the list of preset tones saved on the pedal. The four assignable knobs can be set to control effects you chose, and they also have assignable press-button functions. The OLED screen in the middle of the pedal displays helpful information such as the name of the active preset, effects parameter values when changing the assignable controls, and also shows what functions the assignable controls are set to perform. Multiverse hardware features a fast ARM processor for running multiple simultaneous effects and signal routing options including full stereo (input and output) via the two ¼” stereo audio jacks or the USB-C connector.

Customizable and standalone; players can make Multiverse into whatever kind of pedal they want it to be. Multiverse effects are visually stunning with full graphic views that bring the unique artwork and look of each effect to the forefront of the experience, making each effect in your library a memorable one. Players who get Multiverse hardware can access the vast world of effects in the online Effects Shop that are developed and published by multiple brands. With Multiverse you can get new effects in the online shop, add them to your virtual pedalboards and load your ideas into the pedal.  

Aviate Audio is moving towards the future by releasing a version of the pedal that is answering the call from musicians who want a simple and intuitive way to access the ever-expanding library of effects being published on Multiverse. About Aviate Audio - Aviate Audio launched the Multiverse effects platform to address the needs of musicians and developers for an effects pedal that can support open effects development on fast and efficient real time hardware. The teams’ vision for Multiverse to satisfy every musician’s never-ending tone quest. Multiverse provides one platform for all developers and brands to come together. The Player Edition pedal is your ticket to the Multiverse of effects - explore otherworldly effects and create your signature sound!

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